
------------------------- 2021 ----------------------------------------------------

Clift D, Morrison G.L, Guthrie K and Suehrcke H

Solar and Heat Pump Water Heater Performance Rating AS/NZS 4234:2021 revision –
why, how, and what does it achieve

Australian PV Institute,  Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2021

------------------------- 2020 -----------------------------------------------

TRNAUS – 20.1  TRNSYS Extensions for solar water heating

Thermal Design, Sydney Australia

------------------------- 2018 -----------------------------------------------

Shirazi A, Taylor R A, Morrison G L, White S D

Solar-powered absorption chillers:A comprehensive and critical review.
Energy Conversion and Management 171: 59-81  2018

------------------------- 2017 -----------------------------------------------

Shirazi A, Taylor R A, Morrison G L, White S D

A comprehensive, multi-objective optimization of solar-powered absorption chiller systems for air-conditioning applications.
Energy Conversion and Management 132:281-306  2017

------------------------- 2016 -----------------------------------------------

Fiona McClure, Jesse Clarke, Derek Munn, Graham Morrison, Harry Suehrcke, and Jeremy Osborne
Benchmarking of DR AS 5389:2016 TRNSYS Domestic Building Model and Reference Air-Conditioner Against AccuRate.
Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2016, Publisher: Australian PV Institute, Editors: R. Egan and R. Passey, Dec 2016, ISBN: 978-06480414-0-5.


Shirazi A, Taylor R A, White S D, Morrison G L.
Multi-effect Absorption Chillers Powered by the Sun: Reality or Reverie.
Energy Procedia 06/2016; 91. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2016.06.251


Shirazi A, Taylor R A, White S D, Morrison G L
A systematic parametric study and feasibility assessment of solar-assisted single-effect, double-effect, and triple-effect absorption chillers for heating and cooling applications

Energy Conversion and Management 114:258-277  2016


Shirazi A, Taylor R A, White S D, Morrison G L
Transient simulation and parametric study of solar-assisted heating and cooling absorption systems: an energetic, economic and environmental (3E) assessment.
Renewable Energy 86:955-971  2016


Shirazi A, Pintaldi S, White S D, Morrison G L, Rosengarten G, Taylor R.
Solar-assisted absorption air-conditioning systems in buildings: Control strategies and operational modes
Applied Thermal Engineering V92:246-260   2016

Shirazi A, Taylor R A, White S D, Morrison G L
Multi-objective optimization of a solar-powered triple-effect absorption chiller for air-conditioning applications,
ICESET 2016 : 18th International Conference on Energy Systems Engineering and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, 6 October-7 October 2016.

------------------------- 2015 ----------------------------------------------------

Shirazi A, Taylor R A, White S D, Morrison G L
Multi-Effect absorption chillers powered by the sun: reality or reverie,
SHC 2015 International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, Istanbul, Turkey, 2 December-4 December 2015.


Shirazi A, Pintaldi S, Taylor R, White S D, Morrison G L, Rosengarten G
Solar Powered Absorption Chillers for Air-Conditioning Applications: Simulation and techno-Economic Evaluation.
ASME 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, 2015


AL-Waked R, Nasif MS, Morrison G, Behnia M
CFD simulation of air to air enthalpy heat exchanger: variable membrane moisture resistance.
Applied Thermal Eng V84,301-309 2015

Sultana T, Morrison G L, Taylor R A and Rosengarten G
TRNSYS Modeling of a Linear Fresnel Concentrating Collector for Solar Cooling & Hot Water Applications.
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, ASME, V137(2) paper 021014.


Boerema N, Morrison G L, Taylor R A and Rosengarten G.
Solid-liquid phase change modelling of metallic sodium for application in solar thermal power plants.
Solar Energy V119, 151-158 2015

Sultana T, Morrison G L, Taylor R A and Rosengarten G
Numerical and experimental study of a solar micro-concentrating collector.
Solar Energy V112, 20-29 2015


------------------------- 2014 ----------------------------------------------------

Shirazi A, Taylor R, Morrison G L and White S
Solar-assisted LiBr-H2O Absorption systems for air conditioning applications.
AIRAH Solar Cooling Workshop, Brisbane Australia March 2014

Xiaoguang Gu, Robert A. Taylor, Graham Morrison, Gary Rosengarten
Theoretical Analysis of a Novel, Portable, CPC-based Solar Thermal Collector for Methanol Reforming
Applied Energy V119, 467-475, 2014

------------------------- 2013 ----------------------------------------------------

Al-Waked R, Nasif M S, Morrison G L and Behnia M
CFD simulation of air to air enthalpy heat exchanger.
Energy Conversion and Management V74, 377-385.  2013

Nasif M S, Al-Waked R, Behnia M and Morrison G L
Air to air fixed plate enthalpy heat exchanger, performance variation and energy analysis.
J of Mechanical Engineering Science and Technology V27(11): 3541-3551 2013


Boerema N, Morrison G, Taylor R and Rosengarten G
High temperature solar thermal central-receiver billboard design
Solar Energy V97,356-368, 2013

Tanzeen Sultana, Graham L Morrison, Matthew L Hoffman  and Gary Rosengarten
Computational and Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection in a Solar Micro-Concentrating Collector
Journal of Transport Phenomena. 2013. 13(3): 207-217


Morrison G.L.
Solar Water Heating in Australia.
Australian Solar Council May 2013

------------------------- 2012 ----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L.
Solar Thermal Energy in Australia.
Presentation to Australian Academy of Technology Sciences & Engineering.  2012

Nasif M S, Ra’fat AL-Waked, Behnia M & Morrison G.L.
Modeling of Air to Air Enthalpy Heat Exchanger
Heat Transfer Engineering 09/2012; 33(12).

Boerema N, Morrison G, Taylor R and Rosengarten G
Liquid sodium versus Hitec as a heat transfer fluid in solar thermal central receiver systems
Solar Energy V86, 2293-2305, 2012

Tanzeen Sultana, Graham L Morrison and Gary Rosengarten
Thermal performance of a novel rooftop solar micro-concentrating collector
Solar Energy V86, 1992-2000, 2012.


Sultana, T., Morrison, G.L, Taylor, R., Rosengarten, G.
Performance of a Linear Fresnel Rooftop Mounted Concentrating Solar Collector.
50th Australian Solar Energy Society annual conference, Melbourne, Australia, AuSES 2012.


Sultana, T., Morrison, G.L, Hoffman, M., Rosengarten, G.
Computational and Experimental Investigation of Internal Natural Convection in a Rooftop Mounted Linear Fresnel Collector.
23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Auckland, New Zealand. 2012, ISTP.

------------------------- 2011 ----------------------------------------------------

Tanzeen Sultana, Graham L Morrison and Gary Rosengarten
A Numerical and Experimental Study of a Novel Roof Integrated Solar Micro-concentrating Collector

Australian Solar Energy Society annual conference Sydney 2011.


Sultana,T, Morrison G L and Rosengarten G
Thermal performance of a roof integrated solar micro-concentrating collector
ISES Solar World Congress Kassel Germany 2011


Sultana,T, Morrison G L, Bhardwaj S and Rosengarten G
Heat Loss Characteristics of a Roof Integrated Solar Micro-Concentrating Collector
ASME 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability Washington DC USA.  2011


Morrison G L.
Deployment Challenges for Renewable Energy Water Heating in Australia
International Energy Agency; Solar Heating and Cooling Roadmap workshop Sydney December 2011.

------------------------- 2010 ----------------------------------------------------
Berrill T.D, Jolly P.G and Morrison G.L.
Exposure of Pipe Insulation to High Temperatures from Domestic Pumped Storage (Split) Solar Water Heating Systems in Australia and New Zealand.
Australian Solar Energy Society annual conference Canberra 2010.


Berrill T.D, Jolly P.G and Morrison G.L.
Energy and Cost Savings from Pipe Insulation on Domestic, Pumped Storage (Split)
Solar Water Heating Systems in Australia and New Zealand
Australian Solar Energy Society annual conference Canberra 2010.


Sultana T, Morrison G.L, Tanner A, Greaves M, Le Lievre P and Rosengarten G
Heat Loss from Cavity Receiver for Solar Micro- Concentrating Collector

Australian Solar Energy Society annual conference Canberra 2010.


Zimmerman R, Morrison G and Rosengarten G
A micro solar collector for hydrogen production by methanol reforming.

ASME J of Solar Energy Engineering 2010, V132(1), 011005


Nasif M, Al-Waked R, Morrison G and Behnia M

Membrane heat exchanger in HVAC energy recovery systems, systems energy analysis

Energy and Buildings V42, 1833-1840.  2010

------------------------- 2009 ----------------------------------------------------

T.N. Anderson, M. Duke, G.L. Morrison, J.K. Carson
Performance of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) solar collector
Solar Energy V83,445-455 2009


Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L and Behnia  M
Performance of solar water heaters with narrow mantle heat exchangers.
Solar Energy.  V83, 350-362 2009

Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L.
Performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters.
Solar Energy.  V83, 49-56, 2009.  Best paper award 2009

------------------------- 2008 ----------------------------------------------------
Y.C. Soo Too and G.L. Morrison
Characteristics of mantle heat exchangers with two-pass flow arrangement
ISES Asia Pacific Conference 2008, International Solar Energy Society, Sydney November 2008,   paper 243,  ISBN 978-0-646-50593-0

Zimmerman R, Morrison G and Rosengarten G
A solar powered microreactor for hydrogen production by methanol reforming
Proceedings ASME 2nd International Conference on Energy Sustainability
August 2008, Jacksonville, Florida, USA

---------------------------- 2007 ----------------------------------------------------

 Pye J, Morrison G.L & Behnia M
Unsteady effects in direct steam generation in the CLFR
Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the Australian Solar Energy Society; 01/2007


Zimmerman R, Morrison G, The O and Rosengarten G
A micro solar heater for portable energy generation
68001A. Proc. SPIE  Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology
Canberra, Australia: H.H. Tan, et al. eds.Vol.6800, 2007


Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L.
Performance Model for Water-in-glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heaters.
ISES Solar World Congress 2007, International Solar Energy Society, Beijing Sep 2007,
pp2018-2022,  ISBN 978-7-302-16146-2


Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L and Behnia  M
Performance of Falling Film Heat Exchanger for Solar Water Heaters
ISES Solar World Congress 2007, International Solar Energy Society, Beijing Sep 2007,
pp2013-2017,  ISBN 978-7-302-16146-2


Anderson T.N and Morrison G.L.
Condenser-Tank Interaction in a Heat Pump Water Heater with a Wrap-around Condenser
IRHACE Conference New Zealand 2007


Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.
Natural circulation flow through water-in-glass evacuated tube solar collectors
Solar Energy V81, 1460 – 1472,  2007


Anderson T.N and Morrison G.L.
The effect of load patterns on solar boosted heat pump water heater performance
Solar Energy V81, 1386-1395, 2007

Guthrie K and Morrison G.L. 

Expanding solar water heating market needs ISO standards
ISO Focus V4, No 1, 32-33, 2007.


Morrison G L

Domestic solar water heating rebate programs & REC
Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society 2007

---------------------------- 2006 ----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.
Heat Pump Water Heaters
IRHACE Journal New Zealand, V18 No 6, 12-16.  2006


Le Lièvre P, Mills D.R , Morrison G.L and Schramek P
Design of 6.5 MW solar thermal electricity plant with zero fossil fuel backup
Solar 2006, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Canberra Sep 2006 ISBN 0 975065041

Morrison G.L
Large Scale Solar Thermal Electricity Systems  
Australia – China  Energy Symposium  Sydney 2006

Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L and Behnia M

Falling Film Heat Exchanger for Solar Water Heaters
Solar 2006, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Canberra Sep 2006 ISBN 0 975065041

Pye J, Morrison G.L and Behnia M
Pressure drops for direct steam generation in line-focus solar thermal systems

Solar 2006, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Canberra Sep 2006 ISBN 0 975065041

Soo Too Y.C and Morrison G.L
Performance of mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters
13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Sydney 2006

Mills D.R , Le Lièvre P, Morrison G,L. Millioud A.

Compact linear Fresnel reflector progress.

13th International Symposium on Concentrated Solar Power & Chemical Energy Technologies, Seville Spain 2006.


Odeh S and Morrison G, L.

Optimization of parabolic solar collector system

International Journal of Energy Research 30 (4): 259-271, 2006

Nasif M S, Morrison G L, Behnia M  

Enthalpy heat exchanger in energy recovery system: Experimental and numerical studies and energy analysis for Dubai.
2nd International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications.  Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.  2006

Mills D.R , Morrison G, Pye P,Le Lièvre P.
Multi-tower Line Focus Fresnel Array Project
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering  ASME  V128, 118-120, 2006

Morrison G L
Solar water heating
Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society Seminar 2006
---------------------------- 2005 ----------------------------------------------------

Nasif M S, Morrison G.L  and Behnia. M.
Membrane Based Heat Exchanger Performance in HVAC Systems
Journal Applied Membrane Science & Technology.  V2,31-46 2005

Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.
Heat Transfer and Flow Visualisation in Vertical Mantle Heat Exchangers for Solar Water Heaters.
6th World Conference on Experimental Heat transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Miyagi Japan 2005

Nasif M S, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.
Heat and Mass Transfer in Air to Air Enthalpy Heat Exchangers.
6th World Conference on Experimental Heat transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Miyagi Japan 2005

Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.
Performance of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heaters.  
Solar 2005, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Dunedin New Zealand, paper A05, Dec 2005

Morrison G. L.
Solar water heating industry in Australia
Presentation to International Energy Agency, Solar Heating and Cooling Seminar  Sydney 2005

Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L.
Performance of a Solar Water Heater with a Vertical Mantle Heat Exchanger
Solar 2005, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Dunedin New Zealand, paper A07, Dec 2005

Budihardjo I, Morrison G. L, and Behnia M.
Natural circulation flow rate through single-ended evacuated tube solar collectors.
International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress Orlando, paper 1345, 2005

Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.
Experimental & Numerical evaluation of solar water heaters with vertical mantle heat exchangers.
International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress Orlando, paper 1339, 2005

Mills D, Le Lievre P, Morrison  G.L.
Cheaper than coal?  
International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress Orlando, paper 2016, 2005

Guthrie K and Morrison G L.
Expanding solar water heating market needs ISO standards.
ISO Focus Innovation in energy and raw materials.  V2 No 6 pp27-29, June 2005.

Morrison G.L
Solar Water Heater Performance Rating – ISO Standards.
International Solar Water Heater Workshop, Wellington New Zealand, Feb 2005.

Knudsen S., Furbo S., Morrison G.L and Behnia M.
Analysis of the Flow Structure and Heat Transfer in a Vertical Mantle Heat Exchanger
Solar Energy V78, 281-289, 2005

Maguire L, Behnia M and Morrison G.L.
An Experimental and Computational Study of Heat Transfer in High Power Amplifiers
Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering, V26,81-92,  2005

Morrison G. L, Budihardjo I. and Behnia M.
Measurement and simulation of flow rate in a water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater.
Solar Energy V78, 257-267, 2005

Maguire, L, Behnia, M. and Morrison, G.,
Systematic evaluation of thermal interface materials – a case study in high power amplifier design.
Microelectronics Reliability  V45,711-725, 2005

Nasif M S, Morrison G.L  and Behnia. M.
Membrane and Plastic Heat Exchanger Performance
Songklanakarin Journal Science & Technology.  V27,1065-1072, 2005

---------------------------- 2004 -----------------------------------------------------

Mills D.R, Le Lievre P, Morrison G.L  

First results from compact linear Fresnel reflector installation

Solar 2004, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Murdoch Dec 2004 ISBN 0 9750650 2 5


Soo Too Y.C, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.

Vertical mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters

Solar 2004, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Murdoch 2004 ISBN 0 9750650 2 5


Pye J.D, Morrison G.L, Mills D.R, Le Lievre P, Behnia M.

Steam circuit model for the compact linear Fresnel reflector prototype.

Solar 2004, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Murdoch Dec 2004 ISBN 0 9750650 2 5


Nasif M S, Morrison G L, Behnia M

Enthalpy heat exchanger in energy recovery systems: performance and energy savings

1st International Forum on Heat Pipes and Heat Recovery Systems.  December 2004 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia   108-113 2004.


Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.

Performance of single ended evacuated tube solar water heaters.

Solar 2004, Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Murdoch Dec 2004 ISBN 0 9750650 2 5


Mills D R , Morrison G L, Le Lievre P

Design of a 240 MWe Solar Thermal Power Plant.

Proc. Eurosun Conference, Freiburg, 1-926-1-933 June 2004.


Mills D R and Morrison G L.

Evacuated tube collector using novel non-imaging optics.

Proc. Eurosun Conference, Freiburg, 1-494, 1-499 June 2004.


Mills D R, Le Lievre P, Morrison G L 

Lower Temperature Approach For Very Large Solar Power Plants 

Solarpaces 2004


Hall S.D, Morrison G.L and Behnia M

An Investigation of a Turbulent Backward Facing Step Flow with the Addition of a Charged Particle Phase

3rd International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Kirkenes Bergen, Norway, April 2004, p 66.


Nasif M S, Morrison G L, Behnia M

An Evaluation of Paper Sheet Heat Exchanger Performance

1st International Forum on Heat Transfer, November 24-26 2004, Kyoto, Japan, paper GS1-18.


Nasif M S, Morrison G.L  and Behnia M.

Membrane Based Heat Exchanger Performance

2nd Regional Symposium on membrane science and technology, UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysia 2004


Budihardjo I., Morrison G.l. and Behnia M.

Development of correlation of natural circulation flow rate through single-ended evacuated tube solar collector

Proceedings 1st International Forum on Heat Transfer November 24-26, 2004, Kyoto, Japan, paper GS3-18.


Morrison G. L.

Air conditioner performance rating

Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation conference, Air conditioning - the next 5 years, Sydney 2004


Maguire, L, Behnia, M and Morrison, G.L,

Heat spreading enhancement in high power amplifier heat sinks – comparison of measurements with numerical predictions

Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging  V1, 117-126 2004


Morrison G. L. 

Solar water heater innovations..

Enviro-04  Conference  Sydney March 2004


Maguire, L., Behnia, M., and Morrison, G.,

Critical cooling issues in high power radio frequency transmitter amplifiers,

Electronics Cooling,  V10 No2, 14-20, 2004


Behnia, M., Maguire, L. and Morrison, G.,

Cooling problems and thermal issues in high power electronics – a multi faceted design approach,

Keynote Address - Proc. 5th Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Thermo-mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Brussels, Belgium, 2004


Maguire L, Behnia M and Morrison G.L

An Experimental and Numerical Study on Heat Spreading Enhancement in High Power Amplifier Heat Sinks

Proceedings of the 3rd European Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2004, pp. 253-258. (keynote address)


Reynolds D., Jance M., Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

An Experimental and Computational Study of the Heat Loss Characteristics of a Trapezoidal Cavity Absorber,

Solar Energy V76, 229-234, 2004


Morrison G.L, Anderson T. and Behnia M.

Seasonal Performance Rating of Heat Pump Water Heaters,

Solar Energy V76, 147-152, 2004


Morrison G. L, Budihardjo I. and Behnia M.

Water-In-Glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heaters,

Solar Energy V76, 135-140, 2004

---------------------------- 2003 -----------------------------------------------------

Mills D.R., Le Lievre P and Morrison G.L.

Solar Preheating of the Liddell Coal-fired Power Plant

ANZSES Annual Conference  Melbourne 600-604, 2003


Pye J.D., Morrison G.L., Behnia M. and Mills D.R.

Transient Modeling of cavity receiver heat transfer for the compact linear Fresnel reflector.

ANZSES Annual Conference Melbourne 69-78, 2003


Budihardjo I., Morrison G.l. and Behnia M.

Development of TRNSYS models for predicting the performance of water-in-glass  evacuated tube solar water heaters in Australia.

ANZSES Annual Conference Melbourne 256, 2003


Anderson T.N., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

An experimental evaluation of an air-source and a solar-boosted heat pump water heater.

ANZSES Annual Conference Melbourne 593-599, 2003


Maguire L, Behnia M and Morrison G.L. 

A systematic evaluation of thermal performance of interface materials in high power amplifiers

5th International Conference on Electronic Packing Technology  IEEE Shanghai  355-359, 2003


Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L. 

Optimisation of minimum backup solar water heating system

Solar Energy V74, 505-511, 2003


Hall S.D, Behnia M. Fletcher C.A.J and Morrison G.L.

Investigation of the secondary corner vortex in a benchmark turbulent-facing step
using cross-correlation particle image velocimetry

Experiments in Fluids  V35, 139-151,  2003


Mills D.R., Morrison G.L and Le Lievre P.

Multi tower line focus Fresnel arrays.

ASME International Solar Energy Conference March 2003


Mills, D., Haynes, B., Dey, C., Buie, D., Imenes, A., Haynes, B., Morrison, G.
Multi Tower Solar Array Project.
11th SolarPACES International Symposium on Concentrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institut, 2003


Knudsen S., Furbo S., Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Analysis of the Flow Structure and Heat Transfer in a Vertical Mantle Heat Exchanger

P6.55 ISES Solar World Congress, Goteborg Sweden 2003


Pye J.D, Morrison G.L, Behnia M and Mills D.R.

Modelling of the Cavity ReceiverHeat Transfer for the Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector

P5.73 ISES Solar World Congress, Goteborg Sweden 2003


Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Measurement and Simulation of Flow Rate in a Water-In-Glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heater

O5.4 ISES Solar World Congress , Goteborg Sweden 2003


Hu E.J, Mills D.R., Morrison G.L and Le Lievre P. 

Solar Power Boosting of Fossil Fuelled Power Plants..

O5.24 Proceedings ISES Solar World Congress, Goteborg Sweden 2003


Koldehoff W, Meads R. and Morrison G.L. 

Australia – A State of the Market. 

In Sun in Action II.  Editors Brechlin U, Pilgaard O and PiriaR.

European Solar Thermal Industry Federation.  Vol 2, pp241-249,2003.


Maguire L, Behnia M and Morrison G.L. 

Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the Effects of Component Packaging on
Convective Heat Losses in a High Power Amplifier.

Proc International Symposium on Micro-Mechanical Engineering. Editors Tsuchiura & Tsukuba, pp229-238, ISMME 2003


Odeh, S.D., Behnia M and Morrison, G.L.

Performance Evaluation of Solar Thermal Electric Generation Systems.

Energy Conversion and Management V44, 2425-2443, 2003


Maguire L, Behnia M and Morrison G.L.

Numerical Optimisation of High Power Amplifier Heat Sink Design

Proc International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference.  Paper No IPACK2003-35077, 2003


Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L, Behnia M.

Natural Circulation in a Single-Ended Evacuated Tube Solar Collector

Seventh Australian Natural Convection Workshop 2003


Pye J.D, Morrison G.L and Behnia M

Convection inside the Cavity Receiver of the CLFR Concentrating Solar Power System


Seventh Australian Natural Convection Workshop 2003

---------------------------- 2002 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L. 

Solar Hot Water systems – design and performance

Renewable Energy World. V5 No2, 111-119, 2002.


Groenhout N.K, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Annual performance Simulation and Benchmarking of an Advanced Solar Collector using TRNSYS

Paper 5c1, ANZSES Annual Conference – Solar harvest, Newcastle 2002


Reynolds D.J, Behnia M and Morrison G.L.

A Hydrodynamic Model for a Line-Focus Direct Steam Generation Solar Collector

paper 5c3, ANZSES Annual Conference – Solar Harvest, Newcastle 2002


Mills D.R, Schramek P, Dey C, Briue D, Imenes I, Haynes B.S and Morrison G.L.

Multi Tower Solar Array project

Paper 1b4, ANZSES Annual Conference – Solar harvest, Newcastle 2002


Mills D.R, Morrison G.L. and Le Lievre P

Project Proposal for a Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Thermal Plant in the Hunter Valley

Paper 1b5, ANZSES Annual Conference – Solar harvest, Newcastle 2002


Budihardjo I, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Performance of a Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heater

paper 2b3, ANZSES Annual Conference – Solar harvest, Newcastle 2002


Mills, D., Schramek, P., Morrison G., Haynes, B.S, Dey, C., Buie, D., Imenes, A
MTSA Prototype Array Project.
11th SolarPaces International Symposium on Concetrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institut, 2002.


Anderson T.N, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Experimental Analysis of a Solar Boosted Heat pump Water Heater with Integral Condenser
Paper 5c2, ANZSES Annual Conference – Solar harvest, Newcastle 2002


Morrison G.L, Budihardjo I, and Behnia M.

Heat Transfer in Evacuated Tubular Solar Collectors
Fourth Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop.  PaRTSEE-4. Kyoto, Japan, June pp160-164, 2002.


Maguire L, Behnia M and Morrison G.L.

Heat Transfer in High Power Amplifiers
Fourth Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop.  PaRTSEE-4. Kyoto, Japan, June pp165-174, 2002.


Groenhout N.K., Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

Experimental Measurement of Heat Loss in an Advanced Solar Collector.

Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science  V26, 131-137,  2002.


Groenhout N.K., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M. 

Natural Convection Heat Transfer in a Solar Collector with Complex Geometry

39th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Sapporo pp 317-318, 2002.


Groenhout N.K., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M

Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Bifacial Solar Collector With Complex Geometry

1st International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Kruger Park, South Africa, Vol. 1, pp459-464, 2002.


Yang J, Behnia M and Morrison G.L

Infrared Thermography for True Temperature Measurement of the Main Board in a Personal Computer

J of Thermal Science V11, 331-336, 2002


---------------------------- 2001 -----------------------------------------------------

Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L. 

Optimisation of Minimum Backup Solar Water Heating Systems

International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar World Congress, Adelaide, 2001.


Groenhout N.K., Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

Numerical Modelling of Natural Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer in Advanced Solar Water heaters..

Proc 1st Asian-pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics, Sydney Nov 2001, pp 1705-1710.


Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

Flow Visualization and Heat Transfer in Solar Hot Water Systems

AFI-2001  Proceedings of First International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, 336-341, 2001


Groenhout N.K., Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

Investigation of heat loss from advanced solar water heater

Proceedings 5th World Congress on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics,  Thessaloniki. V1, 765-770, 2001.


Reynolds D., Jance M., Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

An Experimental and Computational Study of the Heat Loss Characteristics of a Trapezoidal Cavity Absorber,

International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar World Congress, Adelaide, 2001.


Morrison G.L., Anderson T. and Behnia M.

Seasonal Performance Rating of Heat Pump Water Heaters,

International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar World Congress, 2001


Groenhout N.K. Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Design of an Advanced Bifacial Solar Collector

International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar World Congress, Adelaide, 2001.


Morrison G. L, Budihardjo I. and  Behnia M.

Water-In-Glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heaters,,

International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar World Congress, Adelaide, 2001.


Morrison G.L.

Solar Energy - The State of the Art. 

Chapter 4 Solar collectors pp 145-222

and Chapter 5 Solar water heating, pp 223-356. 

Editor Gordon J.   James and James, 2001, ISBN 1 902916239.


Hall S.D, Behnia M. Fletcher C.A.J and Morrison G.

The design and optimisation of a digital cross-correlation PIV system, a sub-system approach. 

Report Centre for Advanced Numerical Computation in Engineering and Science, ATO Sydney CANCES No 7, 1-39, 2001.


Stevenson J, Morrison G L, Mills D R and Wenham S.
Solar Power – Resources for the Secondary Teacher.

University of NSW. 2001  ISBN 0 7334 1756 6


Rosengarten G., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Mixed convection in a narrow rectangular cavity with bottom inlet and outlet.

J. Heat and Fluid Flow V22, 168-179, 2001.


---------------------------- 2000 -----------------------------------------------------

Dey C.J., Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.

Operation of a CLFR Research Apparatus

ANZSES Annual Conference - From Fossils to Photons, Brisbane 2000, pp516-527


Jance M.J, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Natural Convection and Radiation within an Enclosed Inverted Absorber Cavity: Preliminary Experimental Results

ANZSES Annual Conference - From Fossils to Photons, Brisbane 2000, pp563-569.


Reynolds D.J, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Heat Transfer in a Trapezoidal Cavity Absorber for a Solar Thermal Collector

ANZSES Annual Conference - From Fossils to Photons, Brisbane 2000, pp547-555.


Groenhout N.K, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Design of Advanced Solar Water Heaters.

ANZSES Annual Conference - From Fossils to Photons, Brisbane 2000.


Morrison G.L. and Wood B.D.

Packaged solar water heating technology, twenty years of progress

Renewable Energy World, Review Issue 2000-2001  V3 No4, pp 170-183.


Mills D.R, Dey C.J and Morrison G.L. 

Stanwell Solar Power Station Project

EuroSun2000, Copenhagen June 2000.


Nitarski M.J, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Combined Radiation and Natural Convection in a Trapezoidal Cavity Absorber: An Experimental Study

7th Australasian Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer Conference, Townsville June 2000.


Reynolds D.J, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Combined Radiation and Natural Convection in A Trapezoidal Cavity Absorber

7th Australasian Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer Conference, Townsville June 2000.


Groenhout N.K, Morrison G.L and Behnia M.

Heat Transfer Analysis of Advanced Solar Water Heaters

7th Australasian Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer Conference, Townsville June 2000.


Burbridge D., Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.

Stanwell Solar Thermal Power Project

10th Solarpaces Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies Conference, Sydney 8-10 March, pp21-26, 2000


Odeh, S.D., Behnia M and Morrison, G.L.

Hydrodynamic Analysis of Direct Steam Generation Solar Collectors

ASME J Solar Energy Engineering.  V122, 14-22, 2000.


Mills D.R and Morrison G.L. 

Compact linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal power plants

Solar Energy. V68,263,283, 2000


Morrison G.L

Communications shelter cooling

Partse Workshop UNSW 2000


Morrison G.L and Behnia M

Heat Transfer Research with Solar Energy Applications

Partse Workshop UNSW 2000


---------------------------- 1999 -----------------------------------------------------


Shah L.J., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M. 

Characteristics of Vertical Mantle Heat Exchangers for Solar Water Heaters

Solar Energy V67. 79-91, 1999.


Morrison G.L., Behnia M., Cook M., Groenhout N. and Mills D.R.

Optimal Design of Advanced Solar Water Heaters

Sixth Australian Natural Convection Workshop, 1st - 3rd December 1999.


Rosengarten, G., Morrison, G. and Behnia, M., 

A second law approach to characterising thermally stratified hot water storage in solar water heaters

ASME J. Solar Energy Engineering.  V121,194-200, 1999


Morrison G.L., Rosengarten G. and Behnia M. 

Mantle heat exchangers for horizontal tank thermosyphon solar water heaters

Solar Energy  V67, 53-64, 1999


Morrison. G.L and Mills. D.R. 

Solar Thermal Power Systems- Stanwell Power Station Project

ANZSES Annual Conference, Geelong December 1999.


Rosengarten, G., Morrison, G. L. and Behnia, M.,  

Some aspects concerning modeling the flow and heat transfer in horizontal mantle heat exchangers in solar water heaters

Int. J. Energy Research. V23, 1007-1016, 1999


Shah L.J., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M. 

Characteristics of vertical mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters

ISES Solar World Congress, Jerusalem 1999.


Morrison G.L., Rosengarten G. and Behnia M. 

Modelling thermosyphon solar water heaters with mantle collector loop heat exchangers

ISES Solar World Congress Jerusalem 1999.


Bilovsky V.J and Morrison G.L

The Pennsylvania State University low-pressure nuclear cooling system test facility

TRAC User’s Group Annual conference, Pennsylvania Power and Light. 1999.


Hall S.D., Fletcher C.A.J., Behnia M. and Morrison G.,

Gas-particle flows under the influence of electrostatic forces

APCOM99, Singapore 1999.


Morrison G.L 


The Last Word - New Scientist, V161, 63, 1999.


Hall S.D., Behnia M., Morrison G.L. and Fletcher C.A.J. 

Comparison of measurement techniques for a turbulent two phase backward facing step flow

ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Hawaii 1999.


Rosengarten G., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M  

A second law approach to characterising thermally stratified hot water storage in solar water heaters

ASME Renewable and Advanced Energy Systems for the 21st Century, RAES99-7675, Hawaii 1999.


Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.  

Modelling study for compact Fresnel reflector powerplant

Solarpaces, Font-Romeu France, Journal de Physique IV, 9,159-165, 1999.


Morrison G.L. and Wood B. 

Packaged solar water heating technology, twenty years of progress

Plenary paper ISES Solar World Congress, 1999.


---------------------------- 1998 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L.

Solar water heater contribution to greenhouse gas abatement

Submission to COAG review of greenhouse gas abatement  1998.


Odeh, S.D., Behnia M and Morrison, G.L.

Hydrodynamic Model for Horizontal and Inclined Solar Absorber Tubes for Direct Steam Generation Collectors.

13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. 1998


Rosengarten G., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Mixed convection in a narrow rectangular cavity with application to horizontal mantle heat exchangers.

11th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, The Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering Taiwan 126-131, 1998.


Shah L.S., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Modelling mantle tanks for SDHW systems using PIV and CFD.

Eurosun-98, ISES 1998.


Odeh S.D., Morrison G.L and Behnia M

Performance of horizontal and inclined direct steam boiling trough collectors.

ANZSES Annual Conference, Wellington New Zealand, 1998, ISBN 0-9588520-10.


Morrison G.L., Nasr A., Behnia M. and Rosengarden G.

Analysis of horizontal mantle heat exchangers in solar water heating systems.

Solar Energy V64, 19-31, 1998.


Odeh, S.D., Morrison, G.L. and Behnia, M

Modelling of parabolic trough direct steam generation solar collectors.

Solar Energy V62, 395-406, 1998.


Nasr A., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M

A parametric study of horizontal concentric heat exchangers for solar storage tanks.

J of Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering. V3,269-274, 1998.


Gaa, F., Behnia, M., Leong, S. and Morrison G. L.

Numerical and experimental study of inclined open thermosyphons

J of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow V8, 748-767, 1998.


Behnia M., Gaa F., Leong S. and Morrison G. L.

Numerical study of inclined open thermosyphons

Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal V5,1-22, 1998


---------------------------- 1997 -----------------------------------------------------

Rosengarten G., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Understanding mantle heat exchangers used in solar water heaters.

ANZSES Annual Conference, Canberra, paper 101, 1997, ISBN 0-9588520-9-X


Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.

Advanced Fresnel reflector power plants - performance and generating costs

ANZSES Annual Conference, Canberra, paper 84, 1997. ISBN 0-9588520-9-X


Odeh S.D., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Trough collector field arrangements for solar-boosted power generation systems

ANZSES Annual Conference, Canberra, paper 85, 1997. ISBN 0-9588520-9-X


Nigusse B.A. and Morrison G.L.

Simulation of shallow solar pond batch water heaters

ANZSES Annual Conference, Canberra, paper 100, 1997. ISBN 0-9588520-9-X


Morrison G.L.

Developments in solar water heating

ASME (Singapore) Yearbook, MITA(P) No 313/07/97, pp 45-54, 1997.


Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.

Modelling of compact linear Fresnel reflector powerplant, technology, performance and cost estimates.

ISES Bi-annual Conference Taejon Korea, V2, 235-244, 1997.


Morrison G.L., Nasr A., Behnia M. and Rosengarten G.

Performance of horizontal mantle heat exchangers in solar water heating systems.

ISES Bi-annual Conference Taejon Korea,V2, 149-158, 1997.


Nasr A., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

A parametric study of an annular heat exchanger with application to solar thermosyphon systems.

ICHMT, International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Cesme Turkey,

Editors G. de Vahl Davis and E. Leonardi, 299-307, 1997. ISBN 1-56700-115-7


Nasr A., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Computational study of flow and heat transfer characteristics of annular and vertical cavities.

The 2nd China-Australia Symposium on Computational Mechanics, CASCM’97, Sydney 185-194, 1997.


---------------------------- 1996 -----------------------------------------------------

Gaa F.O. Behnia, M. and Morrison, G L.

Experimental study of flow rates through inclined open thermosyphons

Solar Energy V57,401-408,1996


Nasr A., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Annular free convection heat exchanger for solar water heating systems

8th Australian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference Sydney, Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, 105-112,


Nasr A., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Flow development and heat transfer characteristics in a concentric heat exchanger with application to solar thermosyphon systems.

5th Australian Natural Convection Workshop, Sydney 31-34, 1996


Odeh S.D., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Thermal analysis of parabolic trough solar collectors for electric power generation

ANZSES Annual Conference, Darwin 1996, 460-467, ISBN 0 9588520 8 1


Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.

Progress with compact linear fresnel reflector powerplant development

ANZSES Annual Conference, Darwin 1996, 668-675, ISBN 0 9588520 8 1


Morrison G.L.

Solar water heaters - markets and new developments

ANZSES Annual Conference, Darwin 1996, 307 -316, ISBN 0 9588520 8 1


Mills D.R. and Morrison G.L.

Solar energy for the Olympic games 2000

Eurosun Annual Conference 1661-1666, 1996


Morrison G L.

Active solar thermal energy use in Australia

International Energy Agency, Solar Innovations 96, Toronto Canada, 1996


Guthrie K and Morrison G.L.

Progress on International Standards

Solar Progress ANZSES, ISSN 07296436. V17, No1, 31, 1996


---------------------------- 1995 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L.

International standards for solar water heater performance evaluation

ISES Bi-annual Conference Harare, 1-8,Aug 1995.


Morrison G L.

Active solar energy in Australia

International Energy Agency CADDET Renewable Energy Review. 9-19 1995


Morrison G.L., Editor

Solar heating - Swimming-pool heating systems - dimensions, design and installation guidelines

International Standards Organisation TR12596, 1995


Morrison G.L., Editor

Test methods for solar collectors

International Standards Organisation ISO9806-3, 1995


Morrison G.L., Editor

Solar heating - domestic water heating systems, part 3: performance test for solar plus supplementary systems

International Standards Organisation ISO9459-3, 1995


Morrison G.L.

The Australian solar hot water heater industry

Solar Progress ANZSES, ISSN 07296436. V16, No2, 7-9, 1995


Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India V5(2): 87-94, 1995


Morrison G.L., Editor

Design and rating of solar water heater storage tanks

International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Program, IEASHC/WS/2-95, 1995


Morrison G.L.

Performance simulation of horizontal storage tanks

International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Program, IEASHC/WS/2-95, 1995.


---------------------------- 1994 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L.

Solar Water Heater Market Promotion

ANZSES Annual Conference Sydney December 1994, 305-312, ISBN 0 646 21643 0


Senarath S.M. and Morrison G.L.

The Yulara Solar Heating and Ice Storage System

ANZSES Annual Conference Sydney December 1994, 293-298, ISBN 0 646 21643 0


Yurismono H., Morrison G.L. and Behnia M.

Solar Augmented Electricity Plants for Australia and Indonesia

ANZSES Annual Conference Sydney December 1994, 189-195, ISBN 0 646 21643 0


Morrison G.L

Simulation of packaged solar heat-pump water heaters

Solar Energy V53,249-257, 1994


Mills D.R., Monger A. and Morrison G.L.

Comparison of fixed asymmetrical and symmetrical reflectors for evacuated tube solar receivers

Solar Energy V53, 91-104, 1994


Morrison G.L., Prasad D.K. and Ballinger J.A.

Building envelope thermal performance measurement

Energy and Housing Conference, Energy Victoria, Melbourne 89-94, 1994


Wilkenfeld G., Morrison G.L. and Guthrie K.

Solar and Heat Pump Hot Water Systems

Energy Research and Development Corporation Report, February 1994


Behnia M., Morrison G.L. and Taylor K.

A computer based pump testing experiment

International Journal of Engineering Education, V10,178-185, 1994


---------------------------- 1993 -----------------------------------------------------

Khorasanizadeh H., Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

The effect of an incoming jet on thermal stratification of hot water tanks

Editor N. Sheridan, 5th Australasian Heat & Mass Transfer Conference, Brisbane December 1993

University of Queensland, 1993, 59,1-59,6


Morrison G.L., Di J. and Mills D.R.

Development of a Solar Thermal Cooking System

Report 1993/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L., Senarath S.M. and Buckland C.E.

Yulara Solar Energy System

Editor T.Pryor. ANZSES Annual Conference Fremantle December 1993.

ANZSES 1993, 301-306, ISBN 0646167677


Morrison G.L., Di J. and Mills D.R.

Solar stove for developed countries

ISES Bi-annual Conference Budapest, Aug 1993.


Prasad D.K., Morrison G.L., Ballinger J.A. and Di J.

Thermal performance measurement of whole roof systems

ISES Bi-annual Conference Budapest, Aug 1993.


Morrison G.L. Chap 14 Building Energy Manual.

Editor A. Franco, Sydney. NSW Public Works and Office of Energy 1993,

Chapter 14 Solar Thermal Collectors, ISBN 0731009096


---------------------------- 1992 -----------------------------------------------------

Gaa F., Behnia M., Leong S.S. and Morrison, G.L.

A Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection in an Inclined Open Top Thermosyphon

Eleventh Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Hobart pp339-342, 1992


Morrison G.L.

Energy Rating of Domestic Water Heaters

ANZSES Annual Conference Darwin 229-236, 1992


Morrison G.L. and Gilliaert D.

Unglazed Solar Collector Performance Characteristics

Transactions of the ASME, Solar Energy Engineering V114, 194-200 1992


Morrison G.L. Gilliaert D. and Tebaldi P.

Outdoor Testing of Solar Water Heaters - Effects of Load Pattern and Auxiliary Boosting

Solar Energy V49,299-308,1992


Morrison G.L. and Sudjito

Solar Radiation Data for Indonesia

Solar Energy V49,65-76 1992


Mills D.R., Joseph S., Monger A., Morrison G.L. and Sodhi G.

The Development of a Combined Wood and Solar Stove for use in Institutions and Households in Developing Countries

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau project report No DRGS 101, 75pp (1992)


Prasad D.K., Ballinger J.A. and Morrison G.L.

Advanced Glazing Development and Potential Energy Impact

AIRAH Journal V46 No1 p15-18, 1992


Hogan P.A., Fane A.G., Sudjito and Morrison G.L.

Solar Powered Membrane Distillation

Proceedings of the International Membrane Science and Technology Conference,

(IMSTEC '92), Sydney November 1992


Morrison G.L. & Tran H.N.

Solar Water Heater Testing using International Standard ISO 9459-3

Report 1992/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1991 -----------------------------------------------------

Mills D.R., Monger A., Morrison G.L. and Joseph S.

Solar Cooker with Wood Fuel Backup

ANZSES Annual Conference Adelaide 158-168, 1991


Sudjito and Morrison G.L.

Solar Radiation Distribution Over Indonesia and Northern Australia

ANZSES Annual Conference Adelaide 554-562, 1991


Morrison G.L., Sudjito, Fane A.G. and Hogan P.

Solar Heated Membrane Distillation

ISES Bi-annual Conference Denver, 2329-2334, Aug 1991.


Mannik E., Atkinson J. and Morrison G.L.

A Process for Making Simplified Methods for Systems with Storage

ISES Bi-annual Conference Denver, 1331 -1336, Aug 1991.


Mills D.R., Monger A.G. and Morrison G.L.

Optimisation of Fixed Reflector Design to Minimise Both Backup Requirements

and Solar Collector Receiver Area

ISES Bi-annual Conference Denver, 1233-1238, Aug 1991.


Morrison G.L. and Gilliaert D.

ISO Solar Thermal Standards -- Studies to Improve Technical and
Scientific Information for the Finalisation of Performance Test Procedures

EUR 13469 EN Commission of the European Communities,

Institute for Systems and Informatics, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Italy 1991


Hogan P.A., Sudjito, Fane A.G. and Morrison G.L.

Desalination by Solar Heated Membrane Distillation

Desalination V81, 81-90 1991


Morrison G.L.

Solar Energy Utilisation

MECH91 Institution of Engineers Australia, pp34-38, July 1991


Behnia M. and Morrison G.L.

An Experimental Investigation of Inclined Open Thermosyphons

Solar Energy V47, 313-326 1991


---------------------------- 1990 -----------------------------------------------------

Ballinger J.A., Prasad D.K. and Morrison G.L.

Energy Efficiency and Component Performance Evaluation

Electrical Engineer V67 No5, 28-31 1990


Ballinger J.A., Morrison G.L. and Prasad D.K.

Establishment of a Solar Calorimeter

Energy Research and Development Corporation, Report No22, 87 pages, 1990


Prasad D.K. Ballinger J.A. and Morrison G.L.

Advanced Glazings Development and Energy Impact,

AIRAH J. V46, No 1 15-18, 1990


Prasad D.K., Ballinger J.A. and Morrison G.L.

Solar Calorimeter for Australian Testing

Solar Progress ISES(ANZ) Vol 11 No2,8-9 1990


Ballinger J.A., Prasad D.K. and Morrison G.L.

Energy Efficiency and Component Performance Evaluation

International Energy Agency CADDET No 3, 4-7 1990


Mills D.R., Monger A.G. and Morrison G.L.

Comparison of Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Reflectors for East-West Circular Cylindrical Solar Receivers

ANZSES Annual Conference Auckland 169-177, Nov 1990


Morrison G.L.

Extensions for the TRNSYS Simulation Program (TRNAUS V9.0)

Report 1990/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1989 -----------------------------------------------------

Mills D.R, Walker P, Mukherjee B, Morrison G.L and Moore A.

Progress with the Campbelltown District Hospital Solar Steam Project

78-1,78-6 ANZSES Annual Conference Brisbane Nov 1989.


Morrison G.L. and Holmes W.N.

Computer Aided Descriptive Geometry Education

World Conference on Engineering Education for Advancing Technology,

The Institution of Engineers Australia, February  198-202, 1989


Behnia M, and Morrison G.L.

An Experimental Study of Thermally Stratified Solar Hot Water Tanks

4th Australasian Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer , 137-144 , 1989


Gillespie S.J, Behnia M and Morrison G.L

A Computer Based Technique for Double Point Resistivity Probes in Two-Phase Flow

The 4th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics VII, G81-G84, 1989


Mills D.R, Walker P, Mukherjee B, Morrison G.L and Moore A.

Solar Industrial Process Steam Demonstration Plant

ISES Bi-annual Conference Japan, Sept 1989.


Morrison G.L, Sudjito, Fane A.G and Hogan P.

Solar Powered Membrane Distillation

20-1,20-6 ANZSES Annual Conference Brisbane Nov 1989.


Morrison G.L, and Tran H.N.

Outdoor Solar Water Heater Performance Evaluation

Report 1989/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1988 -----------------------------------------------------

Kline S.A et al.

TRNSYS 12.1, 12.2 . A Transient System Simulation Program

University of Wisconsin Solar Energy Lab 1983, 1988.


Morrison G.L, Tran N.H. and Guthrie K

Solar Water Heaters and Off Peak Boosting

6-1,6-10, ANZSES Annual Conference Melbourne Nov 1988.


Ballinger J.A, Morrison G.L, Prasad D.K and Deeble V.C.

The Development of a Solar Calorimeter Test Facility -Progress Report

7-53, ANZSES Annual Conference Melbourne Nov 1988.


Morrison G.L. and Litvak, A.

Condensed Solar Radiation Data Base for Australia

Report 1988/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L, Tran H.N and Devakul D.J.

Solar Water Heater Testing - Measurement Procedure and Data Analysis
Report 1988/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L, Devakul D.J. and Tran H.N

Solar Water Heater Testing - Instrumentation and Calibration

Report 1988/STEL/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Behnia M and Morrison G.L

Effects of Inlet Flow on the Stratification in Solar Hot Water Tanks

Report 1988/FMT/10 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L.

Solar Thermal Systems

Small Scale Energy Supply Technologies, ERDIC Conference, University of NSW July 1988


Morrison G.L

Domestic Solar Water Heaters

National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Program, Workshop report No26,9

NERDDC/ANZSES Renewable Energy Workshop, April 1988


---------------------------- 1987 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L and Tran H.N.

Correlation of Solar Water Heater Test Data

Solar Energy V39,135-142 1987


Wood B,D et al.

Summary of National Approaches to Short-Term SDHW Systems Testing

International Energy Agency, Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Task III, May 1987


Morrison G.L and Tran N.H.

Solar Water Heater Performance Evaluation

ISES Bi-annual Conference Hamburg Germany, 753-757, Sept 1987.


Mannik E, Atkinson J.D  and Morrison G.L.

Automatic Manufacture of Fast Methods for Predicting Long Term Performance of Active Solar Energy Systems 

ISES Bi-annual Conference Hamburg Germany, 858-862, Sept 1987.


Morrison G.L

Performance Evaluation Techniques for Solar Water Heaters

473-482, ANZSES Annual Conference Canberra Nov 1987.


Behnia M, Morrison G.L and Sih B.

Experimental Studies of Thermal Stratification in Horizontal Hot Water Tanks,

2nd Australian Convection Workshop,  56-59, 1987


Morrison, G.L.

Computer-aided measurement

Power Generation 1987 Vol 1,116-130  (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Behnia M, GAA F.O and Morrison G.L

Free Convection in Inclined Open Thermosyphons

2nd Australian Natural Convection Workshop 48-51, University of NSW Nov 1987


Behnia M, Morrison G.L and Paramasivan S.P.

Heat Transfer and Flow in Inclined Open Thermosyphons

ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Hawaii V4,7-14,1987


---------------------------- 1986 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L and Tran N.H.

Correlation of Solar Water Heater Test Data

ASME Solar Engineering Conference,  482-486, 1986


Morrison G.L, Devakul D.J, Tran H.N and Litvak A.

Solar hot water system performance in the Bonnyrig Solar Village.

Solar Progress V7 No1, 7-9, 1986


Behnia M, Morrison G.L and Paramasivan S.P

Free Convection Heat Transfer in an Inclined Open Thermosyphon

Ninth Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Auckland, 1986


Morrison G.L.

Solar Water Heater Testing - Its Relevance to Market Development

ISES (ANZ) Annual Conference Solar86, pp199-204, University of Adelaide 1986


Hobbs G, and Morrison G.L

Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System, Design and Performance

ISES (ANZ) Annual Conference Solar86, pp298-307, University of Adelaide 1986


Morrison G.L

Solar Domestic Water Heater Design Sensitivity Study

Report 1986/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L

Reverse Circulation in Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters

Solar Energy V36,377-379, 1986


---------------------------- 1985 -----------------------------------------------------


Morrison G.L. and Tran H.N.

Thermal performance of concentrating solar collector systems in Sydney.

Report 1985/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales) 


Morrison G.L and Braun J.E.

System Modelling and Operation Characteristics of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters

Solar Energy V34, 389-405, 1985


Morrison G.L and Litvak A.

A Condensed Solar Radiation Data Base for Australia

ISES(ANZ) Annual conference, Selling Solar, Sydney, 50-57, 1985


Morrison G.L and Tran N.H.

Outdoor Test Procedure for Solar Water Heaters

ISES(ANZ) Annual conference, Selling Solar, Sydney, 58-65, 1985


Morrison G.L

Performance of Evacuated Tubular and Flat Plate Solar Water Heaters

ISES, Bi-annual Conference, INTERSOL, 1184-1188, Montreal 1985


Collins R.E , Mackey D and Morrison G.L.

Comparative Performance of Evacuated Collectors and Flat Plate Collectors in Thermosyphon Systems

ISES, Bi-annual conference, INTERSOL, 1284-1288, Montreal 1985.


Morrison, G.L and Laporte, F.

Domestic Hot Water Systems, Thermosyphon and Freeze Protection Workshop Report

ISES, Bi-annual conference, INTERSOL, 2602-2604, Montreal 1985.


---------------------------- 1984 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L and Tran N.H.

Simulation of the Long Term Performance of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters

Solar Energy V33,515-526, 1984.


Morrison G.L, Tran N.H, McKenzie D.R, Orley I.C, Harding G.L and Collins R.E.

Long term performance of evacuated tubular solar water heaters in Sydney Australia.

Solar Energy V32,785-791, 1984


Chow S.P, Harding G.L, Yin Zhiqiang and Morrison G.L

Optimisation of evacuated tubular solar collector arrays with diffuse reflectors

Solar Energy V33,277-282, 1984.


Morrison G.L

Performance of Evacuated Tubular Solar Water Heaters

ISES (ANZ) Annual conference Auckland, New Zealand,108-115, 1984.


Morrison, G.L. and Litvak, A.

Velocity measurements using an LDA with on-line computer analysis

Report 1984/HT/TN1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales) 


Morrison G.L

Measurement and Simulation of the Performance of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters

ISES (ANZ) Annual conference Auckland, New Zealand, 132-139, 1984.


Morrison, G.L.

Solar Domestic Water Heater Performance in Sydney

ISES(ANZ) Building Group Conference, 105-115, Sydney 1984


Morrison G.L. and Devakul, D.J

Solar Hot Water System Performance in the Bonnyrig Solar Village

Report 1984/FMT/3 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L. and Devakul, D.J

A Thermal Energy Meter for Monitoring Solar Water Heater Loads

Report 1984/FMT/4 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison, G.L. and Litvak, A.

Solar Radiation Data and Solar Radiation Models for Evaluating Flat Plate and Concentrating Solar Collector Performance in Sydney

Report 1984/FMT/7 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L

Solar Domestic Waters 1984

Report 1984/FMT/8 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1983 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L and Sapsford, C.M

Long Term Performance of Thermosyphon Solar Systems

Solar Energy V30, 341-350,  1983


Litvak, A and Morrison, G.L.

Study of Flow Characteristics in Thermosyphon Solar Systems

Eighth Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 110.5-110.8, Newcastle 1983


Morrison G.L.

Solar Energy Heating System Configurations Suitable for use with Off-Peak Electric Boosting,

Stage 1. Pumped Circulation Evacuated Tube Solar Collector System with Upright Tank

Report 1983/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L.

Performance of an Unglazed Plastic Solar Pool Heating System in Sydney

Report 1983/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1982 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L

Energy Savings and Electricity System Loading Produced by Domestic Solar Water Heaters

ISES Workshop, Solar Energy and the Electrical Supply System in NSW, University of NSW 1982


Morrison, G. L

Evaluation of the Performance of Solar Hot Water Systems

ISES (ANZ) Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 67-70, Nov 1982


Harding, G.L, Yin Zhiqiang, Window, B., Morrison, G. L., Collins, R.E., Tran, N.H.

Water in Glass Manifolds for all Glass Evacuated Tubular Collectors

ISES (ANZ) Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 91-94, Nov 1982


Morrison, G. L and Sapsford, C.M

Performance of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters - Final Results

Report 1982/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1981 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L and Donnelly, E.W.

Performance of Indoor Solar Heated Swimming Pools in Sydney

Solar Progress ISES(ANZ), V2, 27-31,  1981


Morrison G.L and Sapsford C.M.

Performance of Domestic Solar Water Heaters

ISES Conference, Solar Energy at Work, Macquarie University 1981


Morrison G.L and Wittig G.M.

Evaluation of an Unglazed Plastic Solar Pool Heating System

ISES Conference, Solar Energy at Work, Macquarie University 1981


Morrison, G. L and Sapsford, C. M.

Performance of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters

Report 1981/FMT/9 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison,G.L., Sapsford,C.M. and Litvak,A.

Solar Radiation on Inclined and Sun Tracking Surfaces in Sydney

Report 1981/FMT/10 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Sapsford,C.M. and Morrison,G.L.,

Evaluation of system performance

Victorian Solar Energy Council conference Melb 1981

---------------------------- 1980 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L  and Ranatunga, D.B.J.

Transient Response of Thermosyphon Solar Collectors

Solar Energy V24, 55-61,  1980


Morrison, G.L and Ranatunga,D.B.J.

Thermosyphon Circulation in Solar Collectors

Solar Energy V24, 191-198, 1980.


Morrison, G.L.

Passive Energy Storage in Greenhouses

Solar Energy V25, 365-372,  1980


Morrison G.L.

Measurement Techniques for Solar System Performance Monitoring

ISES and ERDIC Conference Performance Monitoring of Buildings University of NSW 1980


Morrison G.L and Sapsford C.M.

Solar Water Heater Test Facility at the University of NSW

ISES Conference, Thermal Conversion, University of NSW 1980


Morrison G.L

Active Solar Thermal Systems

Solar Access in Cities Conference, School of Building University of NSW 1980


Morrison G.L and Sapsford C.M.

Automatic Solar Collector Performance Evaluation

ISES Conference, A Place for the Sun in Australia's Energy Scene, University of Melbourne 1980


Morrison,G.L, Wittig,G.M, and Ling,M.R.

Instrumentation for Monitoring the Thermal Output in Solar Collectors

Report 1980/FMT/1 (Kensington, University of New South Wales


Morrison,G.L and Donnelly,E.W.

Thermal Performance of Solar Energy Systems for Swimming Pools

Report 1980/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison,G.L and Wittig,G.M.

Digital data Input and Control Interfaces for Solar Collector

and Solar System Performance Monitoring

Report 1980/FMT/5 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L, Sapsford C.M, Donnelly E.W, Wittig G and Litvak A

Automated Solar Collector Test Facility

Report 1980/FMT/4 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


Morrison G.L, Sapsford C.M, Donnelly E.W, Wittig G and Litvak A.

Solar System Performance Evaluation

Report 1980/FMT/6 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1979--------------------------------------------------

Morrison,G.L., Sapsford,C.M. and Litvak,A.

Solar Insolation Data for Sydney

Report 1979/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1978--------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L and Tran, V.Q

Laminar Flow Structure in Vertical Free Convection Cavities

Int J. of Heat and Mass transfer V21, 203-213, 1978



Prediction of Solar Collector Performance

Report 1978/FMT/2 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1977 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L and Tran V.Q

Flow Structure in Cavities with Free Convection Heat Transfer

2nd AINSE Engineering Conference, Lucas Heights 1977


---------------------------- 1976--------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L

Errors in Heat Transfer Laws for Constant Temperature Hot-Wires

J of Physics E, V9, 50-52, 1976


---------------------------- 1975--------------------------------------------------

Morrison,G.L and Tran,V.Q

Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection in Vertical Rectangular Cavities

Report 1975/FMT/4 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1974 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L

Effects of Fluid Property Variations on the Response of Hot-Wire Anemometers

J of Physics E,  V7,434-436, 1974


Morrison G.L and Tran V.Q

Laser Doppler Investigation of Free Convection

1st AINSE Engineering Conference, Lucas Heights 1974


Morrison,G.L and Tran,V.Q

Low Velocity Limits of a Laser Doppler Anemometer

Report 1974/FMT/5 (Kensington, University of New South Wales)


---------------------------- 1972 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison, G.L, Perry, A.E and Samual, A.E

Dynamic Calibration of Inclined and Crossed Hot-Wires

J. Fluid Mech V52, 465-474, 1972


Perry, A.E and Morrison, G.L

Errors caused by Hot-Wire Filament Vibration

J of Physics E. V5, 1004-1008, 1972


Perry A.E and Morrison G.L.

Aeroelastic Instability of Hot-Wire Filaments

13th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow 1972


----------------------------  1971 -----------------------------------------------------

Perry, A.E and Morrison, G.L

A Study of the Constant Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometer

J. Fluid Mech V47, 577-599, 1971


Perry, A.E and Morrison, G.L

Static and Dynamic Calibration of Hot-Wire Anemometers

J. Fluid Mech V47, 765-777, 1971


Perry, A.E and Morrison, G.L

Vibration of Hot-Wire Anemometer Filaments

J. Fluid Mech V50, 815-826, 1971


Morrison G.L

Laminar Flow Structure behind Cylinders at Low Reynolds Numbers

CAARC Conference on Jets and Wakes, Melbourne University 1971


Morrison G.L

A New Calibration Technique for Normal and Inclined Hot-Wire Anemometers

AINSE Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Conference, Lucas Heights 1971.


Morrison G.L.

Turbulence Measurements.  Phd thesis University of Melbourne.  March 1971


 ----------------------------  1970 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L

Calibration of Hot-Wire Anemometers

5th Australasian Conference of Fluid Mechanics. Monash University 1970.


 ----------------------------  1969 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L. 

Problems encountered in hot wire anemometry

AINSE Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Conference, Lucas Heights 1969.


----------------------------  1967 -----------------------------------------------------

Morrison G.L

Turbulence Measurements in Axisymetric and Two Dimensional Channels

AINSE Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Conference, Lucas Heights 1967.